String Manipulation Functions
String Manipulation functions allow you to manipulate or compare strings. These functions begin with the str prefix. Expand the category to view a list of the available functions.Click one of the following functions for more information:
For instance we consider the function STRSTR and see how we use it.....
sample text :- 6172171084 (Service - RPC) Status: Success, Effective Immediately
If you want to capture the above text and try to see if any telephone number & success word is appearing in that phrase, then we use STRSTR function.
Using web_reg_save_param("Confirmation") - Pull that phrase into parameter called confirmation and then use that to validate if mobile number and success message are coming in the server response.
char *strstr( const char *string1, const char *string2);Returns the first occurrence of one string in another.string1 | The string that is searched. |
string2 | The string that is searched for in the first string. |
This is how we do it..........
// If the success message is not displayed, fail the transaction and exit iteration
if (strstr(lr_eval_string("{Confirmation}"),"Success") < 1)
lr_error_message("***** Success Message not displayed ******");
lr_end_transaction("X_RPC_14_SubmitOrder", LR_FAIL);
// Dynamic Validation for mobile number
if (strstr(lr_eval_string("{Confirmation}"), lr_eval_string("{mobile}")) == 0)
lr_error_message("***** Dynamic Validation Failed for mobile number*****");
lr_end_transaction("X_RPC_14_SubmitOrder", LR_FAIL);
Example 1
This example uses strstr to search for the word "dog" in the string, str.After strstr returns the address, position, the code then calculates the word's place in str by subtracting the address of the start of the string from position. This is the offset of the word "dog", in bytes.
int offset;
char * position;
char * str = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy
char * search_str = "dog";
position = (char *)strstr(str, search_str);
// strstr has returned the address. Now calculate * the
offset from the beginning of str
offset = (int)(position - str + 1);
lr_output_message ("The string \"%s\" was found at position
%d", search_str, offset);
Action.c(14): The string "dog" was found at position 17
Action.c(14): The string "dog" was found at position 17
Example 2
The next example shows how strstr can be used to parse file name suffixes. The code checks the equality of the following two pointers:-
The pointer returned by strstr after searching for the substring is
either null on failure, or the address of the first character of the file suffix
on success. Adding 4 moves the pointer to the end of the string.
- The start of the string (path) plus its length, len. This is also the end of the string.
char * path = "c:\\tmp\\xxx\\foo.ocx";
int len = strlen(path), filetype;
// Check the suffix of the file name to determine its
if ((char *)(strstr(path, ".dll") + 4) == (path +
filetype = 1;
else if ((char *)(strstr(path, ".exe") + 4) == (path +
filetype = 2;
else if ((char *)(strstr(path, ".tlb") + 4) == (path +
filetype = 3;
else if ((char *)(strstr(path, ".ocx") + 4) == (path +
filetype = 4;
filetype = 5;
lr_output_message ("type = %d", filetype);
Action.c(18): type = 4
Action.c(18): type = 4